If your using Head and Shoulders your actually harming your scalp and hair.
Most of the users of Head and Shoulders have faced horrible side effects on their scalp and on their hair
Dont use head and shoulders shampoo
DO You Know Why?
The toxic products you use on your hair and skin can have health consequences.Are you aware of the health risks associated with Head and Shoulders.
These chemical shampoos are loaded with preservatives,perfume and surfactants can dry your scalp and hair. One of the shampoo which is available in our market called Head and Shoulders has got most of the toxic indegrients that can cause you skin and eye irritation and cancer.
Here are some dangerous chemicals which are present in Head and Shoulders Shampoo.
ZINC PYRITHIONE- this chemical is injurious to the people who have asthma related issue too much exposure to this chemical can lead to liver and kidney damage.This chemical is not safe to the people who have sensitive skin,as this may lead to skin rashes and irritation.
SELENIUM SULFIDE- this ingredient is used in many anti dandruff shampoo,this will eventually dry your scalp and hair on a long run and researchers have said that too much exposure to this chemial is harmful for your lungs.
METHYLISOTHIAZOLINONE- Pregnant women should avoid shampoo containing this chemical.Or consult your physician,as Natural Institute of Health said that this chemical can damage nervous system. Also People suffering from Alzhemer's disease should not use this shampoo at any cost.
SULFATES. Sodium Lauryl AND Sodium Laureth: These two sulfates which are commonly found in Head and Shoulders These surfactants are used to formulate the foam.This chemical anti dandruff shampoo can cause skin irritation and may disrupt your endocrine.
The main Ingredients in Anti shampoos such as selenium, salicyclic,coal.ketoconazole are used to itching flaking,these two are antifungal agents which might cause allergy for some of the people.It leads to hair damage and scalp tingling.
Head and Shoulders are no good for dyed coloured hair as it strips out the hair.
These ant dandruff shampoos which contains zinc pyriithione is also found in Pantene which is used to treat dandruff.
If your suffering from Dandruff,you can consult with a dermatologist.There are many steroid creams,antifungal medications which will help in curing dandruff. These shampoos helps in controlling the condition but they cant cure the condition. On continous usage of this chemically loaded shampoos can damage your scalp and hair.
Note: If your using Head AND Shoulder 2 in 1 (pyrithione zinc shampoo) consult with your doctor
If your pregnant,you need to talk with your doctor about the benefits and risks of using Head and Shoulders 2 in 1.

Safety Tip: Always dilute your shampoo with the water in a ratio of 3:1 before you lather it on your hair. By diluting the shampoo,the harmful chemicals will not directly affect your hair and the scalp
Keywords: Head and Shoulder, Shampoo
Nice blog