Thursday, 6 August 2020

Milk at Night. What are the Merits and Demerits ?

Is it Good or Bad to drink milk before hitting the hay

Milk contains all the minerals vitamins and amino acids known as tryptophan which helps in producing serotonin which reduces anxiety and it also  increases melatonin(sleep hormone) which promotes sound sleep.If you go to bed feeling hungry or if u have late night cravings,its good to take a glass of warm milk as it is actually packed with proteins could keep you full feeling all night. 
Drinking milk in the night before going to sleep helps in the better absorption of calcium due to the lower physical activity levels in the night.
According to Ayurveda it is recommended to drink warm milk at night for a good night sleep.
Benefits of Drinking Milk at night are:
Relieves Constipation: Drinking a glass of warm milk with a spoon of honey is known to aid digestion,as it helps to increase the good bacteria in the gut and keeps digestive issues at bay.Honey and milk together work as a probiotic.Milk also has got both insoluble and soluble fibers Soluble fiber are required in small quantities 
Protein Rich- Milk is rich in protein,which is very important for weight loss.If your intended to lose weight make sure you choose LOW FAT or FAT FREE milk.
Calcium: Milk is packed with calcium which is beneficial for the bones,having a glass of milk very night can prevent from the disease like osteoporosis.Consuming milk at night is very important for bone strength as calcium is absorbed better while sleeping.
Vitamin D: Milk is enriched with Vitamin D, which will help in relieving your stress at night by taking a glass of warm milk. Vitamin D is required by the body for the better absorption of calcium for healthy bones and teeth.Furthermore Vitamin D is essential for a healthy heart.
Vitamin B12 and Vitamin A:  This vitamins can improve the quality of the skin at night  by forming new cells and elasticity for the skin.
Improves Immunity: Drinking a glass of warm milk with a pinch of turmeric acts as a antioxidant and antibacterial and therefore relieves any cold cough symptoms and it helps to hasten the recovery process.

Some of the Drawbacks of consuming milk are:
Glucose: People who are intolerant to glucose can spike their sugar level.
Lactose: Since lactose is a sugar,it is what makes the milk slightly sweet.A large amount of lactose can lead to other complications,if your having a sugar crash. And some are Lactose intolerant, consuming milk will only give you stomach ache,gastric,bloatedness of stomach as these are the symptoms of lactose intolerance.In such case avoid cow milk, you shall take other alternatives.
Such as- Soy milk, Cashew milk, Coconut milk, Almond milk,Peanut milk these are all gaining popularity among health conscious people.They are nutritious and flavoursome.
Weight watchers: If you are aim is to lose your weight,then you should reconsider before taking milk at bed times.One glass of milk has approximately 110 to 120 calories depends if it is skimmed or thick milk. Our metabolism falls down while sleeping, so whatever the calories consumed at night before going to the bed are tougher to burn and digest.
Disrupts Liver Functioning: At night times, liver works hard to detoxify junk from our bodies,consuming milk at night can interfere with the detoxofying process.
Raises Cholesterol: Full fat,whole milk increases cholesterol in the bodies because 1 cup of thick milk contains 144 calories,5 grams of saturated fat and 24 miligrams of cholesterol.
Saturated fat is the key to raise cholesterol which increases the risk of Obesity,Heart Disease and Stroke.

Note: It is suggested to drink a glass of skimmed milk  2 or 3 hours before hitting the sack,beacuse it is not good to sleep immediately after consuming the milk.
Milk is hard to digest it can have a negative impact on the digestive system 
From decades it is been advised to take semi skimmed or skimmed milk to reduce weight and to prevent from heart ailments.

keywords: milk, milk at night, benefits of milk

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